Today a period b4 recess was Modern Maths.As usual, Pn Chin came in..she was okay.Then a few minute before the bell rang she went out of her mind!! She said we were like dead people and no response.
It's just becoz she wrote the math question wrongly and nobody tell her.Later then she found out.Then she said.."kamu semua sudah mati ke?tak ada respon!!" no recess time for us..hiaz..!! She sat in the class didn't let us to go for recess.Until 9.59am she ask us wanna go for recess or not. god pls!! we hav our English period on 10.00am with Miss Chan See Ling.Hiaz!! but luckily Miss Chan let us out for recess for a while.actually Miss Chan is not so bad after all.
Dun really understand Pn Chin lar..our classsay that she's a "justice bao". She never smile at all, she expect us to sit on our knees and beg her for apology?Cik Heng was the best. How i wish she is teaching us...
This is just a begining of the year.There's long way to go before SPM...i wonder is there another detention awaiting for us again..?? I hope not... posted by -Val- on Tuesday, January 24, 2006